3.3.0 - 08/02/2022
- Redesign of the backoffice
- Fixed a loading bug on some versions of PrestaShop 1.7
- Adding new translations
- Withdrawal of the support of the PrestaShop 1.5 version
- Clearing the cache of some known external modules when changing the configuration
3.2.0 - 08/29/2019
- Add a custom HOOK to display logos where you want
3.1.0 - 07/13/2018
- Fix installation bug on PrestaShop 1.5
- Add PrestaTrust
- Redesign of the configuration UX
3.0.0 - 12/06/2017
- Add translations
- Add PrestaShop 1.7 compatibility
- Add more configurations
- Add function to display logos on category pages