IP spoofing / [reserved IPs] simply disallow

The IP address spoofing (in English: IP spoofing or IP address spoofing) is a technique used in computer science that involves sending IP packets using a source IP address that has not been assigned to the computer that issues. The goal may be to hide one's identity during an attack on a server, or somehow usurp the identity of another network equipment to receive services to which they have access.

In the world of international eCommerce, this practice is common, but we can discover that there is a list of reserved IPs that are diverted to take advantage of this technique to prevent spoofing the maximum we can block them directly in the .htaccess file from our server.

To avoid losing data each time you refresh your PrestaShop store .htaccess file, I recommend that you put the .htaccess file at the root of your hosting, as it will be taken into account by all the subdirectories on your server.

Here is the list of data to be inserted in the .htaccess file. The lines highlighted in yellow are optional because they may prevent some customers to visit your store, but they are very beaches IPs used by spammers.

Order Allow,Deny
Deny from 0
Deny from 1
Deny from 2
Deny from 5
Deny from 10
Deny from 14
Deny from 23
Deny from 24
Deny from 27
Deny from 31
Deny from 36
Deny from 37
Deny from 39
Deny from 42
Deny from 46
Deny from 49
Deny from 50
Deny from 100
Deny from 101
Deny from 102
Deny from 103
Deny from 104
Deny from 105
Deny from 106
Deny from 107
Deny from 127
Deny from 169.254
Deny from 172
Deny from 176
Deny from 177
Deny from 179
Deny from 181
Deny from 185
Deny from 186
Deny from 189
Deny from 190
Deny from 192
Deny from 198.18
Deny from 200
Deny from 201
Deny from 202
Deny from 209
Deny from 212
Deny from 213
Deny from 217
Deny from 222
Deny from 223
Deny from 224
Allow from all

And to go further in the security of your shop and avoid bank fraud, you can block groups of IPs in some countries by using our module for your PrestaShop store based on the site ipinfodb.