Visit and sales tracking with Matomo


Accurately track your customers with this comprehensive analytics solution. Maximize conversions by understanding visitor behavior, popular pages and exit points. Boost sales by adjusting your strategy in real time. Respect users' privacy with privacy-friendly analysis. Get essential information. Simple and powerful. Take a data-driven approach with our Matomo module for PrestaShop.

Data sheet

Core modifications (override)No
Third party subscription:Yes
Translation :bg-da-de-el-es-et-fi-fr-hu-it-ja-nl-pl-pt-ro-sk-sv-uk
Compatible Prestashop 1.6Yes
Compatible Prestashop 1.7Yes
Compatible PrestaShop 8Yes
Compatible thirtybees 1.1Yes
Compatible thirtybees 1.2Yes
Compatible thirtybees 1.3Yes
Compatible thirtybees 1.4Yes
PhenixSuite compatibleYes
Multi Shop compatible:Yes
Service Url

69,99 € tax excl.

Secure payment methods

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Last Update

09/01/2023: Version 1.0.0


This modules is compatible with all PrestaShop 1.6.x version This modules is compatible with all PrestaShop 1.7.x version This modules is compatible with all PrestaShop 8.x version

thirtybees Compatibility

This modules is compatible with all thirtybees 1.1.x version This modules is compatible with all thirtybees 1.2.x version This modules is compatible with all thirtybees 1.3.x version This modules is compatible with all thirtybees 1.4.x version

PhenixSuite Compatibility

This modules is compatible with all PhenixSuite version

Translate in

bg da de el es et fi fr hu it ja nl pl pt ro sk sv uk

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More info

Simplified configuration

The module integrates seamlessly into the PrestaShop installation process, making it easy for you to get started. Simply download the module archive you've uploaded, and you'll be able to quickly configure the module and take advantage of customer visit analytics.

To get started, simply enter the root URL of your Matomo session, which should already be installed, and the corresponding site ID you've defined on Matomo.

Rest assured, the module provides detailed explanations to guide you through the process and simplify your experience.


Once installed and configured, the module supports the tracking of visits, e-commerce data, product views and orders placed. This comprehensive tracking capability gives you the information you need to develop effective marketing strategies and efficiently manage your store.


To make full use of this module, it is essential to have a Matomo session installed, or to have access to a Matomo session from a reliable provider.

If you don't have a Matomo session, please contact me. I can help you set one up, or provide you with an alternative solution that gives you access to one of my sessions.


1.0.0 - 08/17/2023

  • Version initiale


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Visit and sales tracking with Matomo